Sunday, 17 April 2011

WA y to Go

The beaches, bays and inlets of Cape Le Grand near Esperance were sublime and the Frenchman's Cap provided an excellent late evening walk with the hollow summit something of a surprise with its wonderful views. Esperance itself provided a useful service stop before I stopped the night at Stokes Inlet with a good view of the lagoon created by the blocked river mouth.

Further round at Fitzgerald River NP the bush camping at Point Ann was as peaceful as you could wish for and well worth the rough track out there.

Similarly the Waychinicup NP camping was beautifully located alongside an inlet with a graceful catamaran moored in the shelter and the opportunity to cycle down to Cheyne Beach.

A change of scenery was provided as I headed inland to the hilly ridges of the Porongurup NP for a good walk over Nancy's Peak and the Devil's Slide - a huge variety of birdlife in the foliage and many small reptiles at ground level.

The Stirling Ranges rise out of the flat landscape to around a thousand metres and on two very hot days provided some strenuous walks with panoramic views over the endless wheat and gum tree farming landscape.

Here in Albany I am on a large commercial site to catch up on the internet, a hot shower and fresh water before a drift westwards through Denmark and Pemberton towards Margaret River before the Easter crowds build up.

The list of jobs to do in Perth is getting longer so the couple of weeks until Sarah returns will fly by.

Photos here and my whereabouts ...................over.............................. there.

I've decided to give the slide show a rest for a post or two.


  1. No slide show your sliping up!!! gr8 pic of u surveying the scenery, very clever!!!
    Mrs Hen

  2. Lovely pictures, esp you looking out to sea, all pensive - maybe missing your wife? Love from Mrs Horse


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