Remarkably considering the tough 40,000 miles of our trip down under the van passed its MOT without requiring any work so we are now looking at getting it ready for our next major trip.
The main issue is the canvas roof which has suffered much wear and tear and needs replacing - we are seeking quotes for a fixed roof which would give us a little more space as I can then raise the various units a foot or so, more insulation and an even quicker set up time plus it will be more suited to the wetter weather we expect on future trips.
Meanwhile Sarah is enjoying her time at the stables as well as socialising with friends and family whilst I spent a week in the Cambrian mountains assisting in the ongoing restoration of a bothy for the use of walkers and cyclists. Renamed 'Aberstan' for the purposes of an ongoing military exercise we were joined mid week by the troops with their decoy tanks and other kit - four fit lads made short work of the normally arduous task of returning our mixer to the roadside, assistance which was much appreciated.
We plan a trip to London to meet up with Mary from Perth who made us so welcome there and then head to Cumbria for a fortnight prior to the Christmas celebrations - our first at home in four years.
A few pics appear here, SPOT is on hold and the slide show returns to North Island New Zealand