Saturday, 4 December 2010

South East New South Wales

Well the last ten days or so have been diverse to say the least. A visit to the magical beaches of Jervis Bay preceeded a very enjoyable stay with a couple we had met in Gloucester Tops. Their comfortable house and excellent hospitality was followed by an invite to a memorable Xmas function where we danced the night away until the small hours.
A couple of unsettled days followed which saw us hunkering down in one site as the road was too slippery to get out, a peaceful night in the Congo with a lovely walk on the Bingi Bingi track from which we saw several sea eagles and a pod of dolphins from the beach and three hours spent assisting a stranded van to get out of a very muddy track followed by a night at Dalmeny to get ourselves cleaned up and clothing washed. The excellent coastal location offered good views but the overnight wind and rain rocked the van alarmingly at times.
A variety of beaches and bays were visited with Naroomba providing a boardwalk out to the harbour entrance where a seal was playing and pelicans on the return trip were waiting for scraps from local fishermen.
Mystery Bay provided quiet bush camping where we met a guy from Orange who has travelled extensively in Europe and is now exploring Australia - he had loads of useful tips for Tasmania and the rest of our planned itinerary.
Central Tilba was a well preserved and interesting historical village with traditional wooden buildings set in granite hills
The whale museum at Eden was well worth a visit with plenty of interest and we are now in Bournda NP having back tracked slightly as tomorrow we head inland for the start of Sarah's riding trip. We took the bikes around the local tracks and lakes for a couple of hours this evening - considering they have been out in all weathers for over a year now and regularly exposed to mud, dust and dirt they were in good mechanical order.
We have very much taken to Australia and although the locals feel summer has yet to start for us it is quite hot enough - even when it rains it is still warm to us. Images of a wintry Britain remind us how lucky we are - the Christmas decorations here look somewhat incongruous when people are in shorts and T shirts.

Spot the pictures here and picture the SPOT here

1 comment:

  1. Hi to you Both. Wow. All so exotic. Just catching up with the Blogs. All well in the Clare Family (South)exept that my Mum got mild hypothermia when theting went off in the night and she didn't use her Care-Call fob. She's wary of using it as she thinks when she presses it they'll come and whisk her off to hsopital - as when she once fell and cut her head. Of course this time if she had pressed it she could have prevented her admission to A& E and a subsequent Xmas in a Re-nablement / Assessment hospital. As Family, (Pat was over from France as it happens) we are actually relieved that she will get a thorough multi-disciplinary needs assessment. We were all very worried about the inadequate package that she had - Even with my insider knowledge I hadn't managed to budge Adult Services.
    Keep the Bloggs coming. I'll check out the photo's another time. Better do some work, I suppose.


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