Wednesday, 4 January 2012


With 2012 under way and a noticeable gap since my last post I thought an update was long overdue so grab a drink, sit back and relax..........

After meeting Mary from Perth in London and enjoying a few touristy sights including the impressive London Eye we left for our planned two weeks in the Lake District during which we enjoyed the excellent company of various good friends.
Unfortunately on our return Sarah decided following some disagreements that we did not have a future together - something which upset me very much following two such enjoyable and close years on the road together.
As we only rent a one bedroomed flat I moved out in to the van but a few days later following several weeks of feeling odd was admitted to Brecon Hospital as an emergency following a heart attack. A memorably dramatic transfer over the Brecon Beacons saw me arrive in the Regional Cardiac Unit at Swansea for angioplasty and insertion of a stent - an almost identical procedure to that endured by Prince Philip over Christmas.
Following excellent care both there and at Carmarthen Hospital I was discharged home - Sarah and a friend were kind enough to chauffeur me and a good mate from Bristol came to mop my brow for a few days whilst I also packed up my final belongings.
Once fit to drive a week later I set off for the Elan Valley where I joined fellow bothy members to look at new projects in the first snows of winter before driving in stages to Hythe near Dover where the long awaited replacement roof for the van was fitted by the excellent Concept Multi Car.
This has transformed the vehicle which has now become my permanent home whilst sadly Sarah and I disentangle our affairs and I hope to resume foreign travel in 2013 assuming I make a full recovery and can come off most of the pills.
For 2012 however I have made substantial dietary changes so have lost a stone in the last month, resumed various activities and look forward to a fresh start with the usual enthusiasm. The generous support of a number of friends has been very much appreciated during this unsettled and unsettling episode - thank you everyone.
The outcome of my MI could have been far worse so I am very grateful for that - anyone fancy South America in 18 months time??

Managed to mislay my camera as well so no pics this time but the slideshow changes now to a selection of pics of the old bus out and about.

I will finish for now by wishing you a Happy 2012 - please keep in touch.

Southern Sardinia, Cagliari and the mountains.

Back on the mainland at Oriestano we made use of the service area before crossing a curious region of flat reclaimed land mostly used for ag...